Thursday, December 31, 2020

Gram's Gardens!

 Hello everyone!

2020 has been quite the year, hasn't it?  I hope this finds you all safe and healthy!

I wrote about my husband suggesting I garden to help my mental state with being home and not being able to be social.  I often tell him, he's a genius!  His idea truly helped me psychologically and emotionally.  

I turned most of our backyard into a garden, about 1600 foot of it anyway.  I planted my normal garden things and I planted things I'd never grown before.  I experimented with ways of gardening I hadn't employed before.  It was therapeutic for me.  

I knew there would be far more than we needed to eat for our family so I'd arranged to donate the excess.  After what we ate, what I canned/dried/froze, and what we gave to family, we were STILL able to donate 521 pounds of produce.  I had a goal of donating 200 pounds, I had no idea we could more than double that!

I've often wondered why more people didn't garden.  I mean, I know I live in the city now but you don't need 1600 sq. ft. to garden to supplement your groceries.  I find a lot of people don't know how or are unsure how to start.  Many people prefer organics, the best organics you can acquire are those you grow!  When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you know exactly how those items were cared for. Watching it all grow from dirt and seeds to a colorful sea of fruits and veggies is truly art in motion.

I've wanted to create a community garden for quite some time.  With my husband's encouragement, I've taken the steps to get things started.  I have created a non-profit called Gram's Gardens...yes, a play on my business, Gram's Jams, that I had to close when I got cancer.  To me, the name also harkens back to my own dear, sweet Gram.  She was a the old school sense of the word.  No one went hungry around Gram and there was always something homemade lurking somewhere in that kitchen of hers! She didn't have a huge garden (that was my wonderful Uncle Luke!) but she always had fresh produce.  I'm in my 50's now and some day, I will learn to cut a cantaloupe with the finesse she had!

Gram's Gardens will start by expanding and continuing the donation garden that we did last summer.  We also own an empty lot nearby that we will be turning into a Community Garden.  There are already some fruit trees there (apple, peach, and pear) and we will be expanding that and also planting some other fruits (strawberry, blackberry, grapes, and blueberries), probably some rhubarb too (even though that's icky...LOL).  I have to move a fence and have one large...really large tree taken down to open the lot up to the sun.  We'll then have plots for members of the community to be able to grow their own mini garden if they don't have their own yard.  I am also looking at a way to allow those with disabilities or others unable to garden on the ground to be able to garden.  I see built raised beds so those in wheelchairs can roll right up to them to garden or the elderly don't have to get on the ground to do so.  I remember when my Mom was in hospice, the highlight of her day was taking her outside to the raised beds, built so a wheelchair fit under them and she could garden from her chair.  More people need to have that available to them.  Fresh air and sunshine are good for everyone!

We'll be showing people how to garden in the Community garden and eventually, I want to make deliveries to elderly and shut-ins who are unable to go to the local pantry or the Farmer's market.

Our state paperwork has been approved, we have a Board of Directors, I've enrolled in Purdue Extension course on starting a farm (I know...but that is sorta what we're doing here) and I've applied for a City program that focuses on successfully running a non-profit to be a food champion...cross your fingers that I'm chosen!  Everything isn't going to happen in a day, or even in the first season, but we're on our way!  

I'm looking forward to getting this going and giving back to my wonderful community!

Wear your mask - Wash your hands - Social Distance - Be safe!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Being a hugger when hugging isn't safe!

Hello again!

I hope you're all safe during these difficult times.  As I often remind everyone during times of bad weather, please check on those around you.  A lot of people aren't ok right now.  Be safe and social distance but a phone call to check on your neighbors or a message on Facebook may mean the world to someone. A couple of my friends have shown me this cool new thing called Marco Polo, I am sure it's not new but I'm learning this and love hearing from (and seeing) my friends. 

I've been 'quarantined' at home due to being compromised and it feels like it's been forever.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so very thankful I'm cancer-free (WOOHOO) but I still have many of the issues that put me in the high risk category for I stay home.  

Anyone around me knows that I am a hugger...a serial hugger if you will.  I'm also a pretty social person.  When shut down first happened in early Spring, I wasn't doing well with it.  Not even a little bit.  I won't lie, there were tears.  I was upset that my family was essentially locked down because of me.  They understood and didn't complain at all but it bothered me that once again, my health affected them.  My wonderful son, seeing me upset, asked his dad what he could do for me.  My husband said "just hug your mom".  And he did.  Often.

My brilliant husband, knowing my love of gardening, suggested that I put in a large garden.  More on that in another post.  

I have gone back and forth on writing this post for a couple of months.  In these crazy and dangerous times, we need to know that it's ok to not be ok.  Reach out for help if you need it.  Reach out to friends to check on them.  A friend had a great idea with the Marco Polo app...use it to check in with friends at least weekly.  I'm working on this.  Sometimes, it's tougher than others as I don't want to reach out when I'm down but I know that is when I need to do it the most.  I am trying to find something positive to share even if I'm having a down day.  I have decided to set some time on Sunday afternoon/evening to send some Marco Polos.  I know it takes about a month to create a habit, I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.

My prayer is that you're doing ok under the circumstances and that you're safe.  Reach out and check on your friends and neighbors, it could mean a lot to them.

What are you doing to occupy the extra time and your mind during this time?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


We're not big cake eaters around here.  So, I make cupcakes.  A cake mix makes a lot of cupcakes!  

What I do so I don't waste is once I make them, I don't ice them.  I put them in freezer bags.

I just take out the number of cupcakes we want and put on a plate to thaw.

In about 20-30 minutes, they can be frosted.  You can make frosting, but when it's on sale/clearance, I'll buy some to have on hand.  Today in the pantry, I found this:

So, about 20 minutes after the hubby says "Do you have anything sweet, a cupcake sounds good", you have these:
Yes, there is one less than when I sat them out to thaw, the hubby grabbed one as soon as I iced the first one.  

As a reminder....check on your neighbors.  No, don't go over there during a shelter at home, but call them, text them, Zoom with them.  It's good for everybody!

Cleaning wipes

Hello again!

Let me start by saying that I hope you are all safe and healthy.  If you are an essential worker, you have our deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks!  Please be safe and rest when you can.

This past weekend, as I was cleaning I realized it was time to clean and restock my cleaning wipes. This made me think about sharing all of this with you.

Are you one who uses Windex wipes or Lysol wipes to help with cleaning at home?  I was for quite a while.  A little over a year ago in the midst of paying for cancer bills, I realized just how much I was spending on these wipes.  A quick internet search of Walmart shows Windex wipes are $3.08 for 28 wipes (11 cents per wipe) and Lysol wipes are $4.16 for 80 wipes (5 cents per wipe).  I know that doesn't seem like a lot but every bit adds up.  As my Gram used to say, "Mind the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves".  

As one cost saving measure, I decided to try my hand at making my own.  The things on Pinterest that used paper towels I found just didn't work.  I gave up and decided to try something on my own.  

I was at Kroger and saw a sale on Handi-wipes.  The big roll was right at $4.00 on sale, it was about 50 wipes. They're good size wipes too!

I bought a couple of SnapWare containers (again on sale) for $2 or $3 each.  I bought these because it's a waterproof container with locking sides.


And I used what I had on hand for the Lysol and Windex (generic this time)...and this is how I restock them too.  Even if I'd had to buy these, the Lysol is about $3.00 and the Windex (if you bought name brand) is about $3.48

Fold the wipes to fit the container, which for me is folding in thirds and then in half and put them in the containers.  I generally put about 6 at a time.  Pour on the applicable cleaner and lid them up.  Let sit until the wipes have soaked up the cleaners.


Now, here's the nice part.  You can wash these.  I generally will wash them once or twice depending on how they're holding up.  I have washed them three times but twice is usually the standard for them holding up.  And if I've cleaned up something icky, I'll just toss it.

These save money and the because we're using Lysol, it kills 99% of germs & virus.  Super important during this time.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


In the past several days, I have been asked for a good biscuit recipe.  I always share my Gram's 1-2-3-4 biscuit recipe.  It's super easy and gives great results!  I even won 2nd place at the State Fair with these biscuits!  Sorry for not pictures, I had made biscuits before everyone asked for a recipe.  

The ingredients are simple:

1 tsp salt
2 cups flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/4 cold butter
3/4 milk (I've used everything from buttermilk to half and half to regular milk)

The instructions are just as easy.  

I sift the salt, flour and baking powder but you don't have to.

Cut in the butter, I suck at using a pastry cutter so I just use two knives until it looks like cornmeal consistency.

Then using a fork, stir in the milk just until it comes together.

I take the mixture to a floured counter and using my hands press it out to the thickness I want..generall 1/2" or so.  Handle them as little as possible so they don't get tough.  I'm not precise in this.  Cut the biscuits, if you don't have a biscuit cutter, use a glass.

Bake in a 450 degree oven on an ungreased baking pan for about 12 minutes, give or take, depending on how hot your oven runs.

Be kind to one another

I've struggled with whether or not I wanted to write this.  I came to the conclusion that I *need* to write this.  

To start with, I want to acknowledge that COVID-19 is something that will change life as we know it in the near feature and quite possibly beyond that.  This is serious business folks.  Please pay attention to the directions from the CDC and local authorities.

I know many of you are doing what you need to do for the best of the community:  hunkering down, social distancing, not hoarding, etc.  I applaud you!

For those of you who think you are young and not compromised, that you'll be fine.  Let me say this loud and clear.  IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!  Even if you do not get this awful illness, you can be a carrier and take it to your friends or family who ARE compromised or elderly.  I would hope you would not intentionally do something that holds the real possibility killing someone....possibly someone you love.

The directive to practice social distancing, or for those of us who are immune-compromised being quarantined...this is really what I came to write about tonight.  Yes, due to cancer and asthma, I am compromised. My doctors wanted me to stay home but knew that I worked so they requested other than my office, I was to stay home.  I am lucky that my employer decided (about this same time) to have me work from home before the full shut down of the college I work for.  I know how fortunate I am in that respect.  

My husband and I decided that we were going to go all in.  Full quarantine for my safety.  I am trying to do my part for my safety and the safety of my friends, neighbors and medical professionals.  The gearing up for this kept me busy and my mind occupied.  My doctor and I made sure I had 90 days of meds on hand.  I already keep a well stocked pantry & freezer, so we were good there.  I didn't need toilet paper, thank goodness since everyone is making a run on TP supplies!  I set up my temporary office.  Physically, I was ready.

I'll be raw and vulnerable here, so please be kind.  

I consider myself to be a strong person, a true bad-ass.  I've survived cancer, a traumatic brain injury, domestic violence and more.  I can do this, right?  Right.  I can and I will, but I am admitting it is far, far harder than I could have ever imagined.  I am a very socially active person, I am a hugger of all, a person who needs people.  

My work is going surprisingly well, even if I am in the office my students have the opportunity to meet by phone or online, so this is not vastly different...I just don't have to commute.  I have time to work on a couple of pet projects.  I feel like I am handling this part well. 

I miss coffee with friends, lunches with friends, former colleagues and former students, girl's night out, shopping (even for groceries), my son's DeMolay activities, neighborhood activities...shoot, even random conversations at the gas station or with the waitress, etc.  I miss human contact.  Desperately.  I live with a husband and son who are quite ok with being alone for stretches of time.  (Who are these people?  LOL)  I am envious of them being so comfortable with being alone.  They are trying really hard to help me out of my funk.  Bless their hearts I love them so much for trying.  I just feel like a hot mess.

I know I am not alone in what I'm going through right now.  I know this.  But, knowing this doesn't make it easier.  I've had several tearful melt downs.  Once was feeling sorry for myself, which in and of itself, irritates me to no end.  I'm a bad ass, remember?  The others were due to being so very angry at the situation.  More realistically, being mad at COVID-19.  Yup, extremely angry at a virus.  I can recognize that anxiety and depression are controlling all of this right now.  I'm working on researching ways to help alleviate some of this.  I will reach out to my doctor if needed.  There is no shame in asking for help.

Why am I sharing all of this?  I know often in this blog, during weather extremes, I've implored you to check on your elderly and shut in neighbors to see that they're safe and not in need of anything.  I am sharing this with you to remind you all to continue to be a community.  Yes, check on your elderly and shut in neighbors...please either call them or be absolutely sure you are utilizing social distancing when you check on them in person.  Additionally, please check on each other, even your strong friends.  Sometimes, we're not ok.  

Now that all fifty states are affected by this virus, we must realize that we are all in this together.  We are one large community now facing the same invisible enemy.  Let's show the world how awesome we all are in looking out for each other.  Break it down to the small community, even the small section of the street that you are a part of, check on each other.  Help each other out.  Check to see if a neighbor needs you to pick up something for them when you run to the grocery or the pharmacy.  Every little bit will help.  

We are in this together.  Be kind.  Check on each other.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What a crazy time we are in right now!

Hello everyone!  I hope you are all safe amid the COVID-19 crisis!  Please follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) guidelines for your safety!  More information on COVID-19 from the CDC is here

PLEASE, check on your elderly neighbors or those that are shut ins.  Don't go inside and expose anyone but call them or ask through the door, find out if they need can always get it and leave it on their porch.  We are all in this together!

Please take the social distancing seriously as well.  This will protect those with compromised systems and the elderly.  

Here are some suggestions from a Professor at Ball State University for getting through social distancing:

Practicing social distancing to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic may sound scary or impossible to do, but there are ways to appropriately handle the process.
“Social distancing can be tough on people and disrupt the social and economic fibers of our society,” Jagdish Khubchandani, a professor at Ball State said. “Given the existing crisis of isolation in societies—with probably the loneliest young generation that we have today—social distancing can also take a personal health toll on people, causing psychological problems, among many others.”
Khubchandani, a health science professor at Ball State University, has recommended 15 ways to counterbalance the effects of social distancing:
  1. Maintain a routine. As much as possible, social distancing should not disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, working hours, and daily activities.
  2. Make social distancing a positive by taking the time to focus on your personality and personal health, reassessing your work, training, diet patterns, physical activity levels, and health habits.
  3. Carve time to cook for yourself and others in need.
  4. Go for a walk or exercise at home.
  5. Do not let anxiety lead you to indulge in binge eating or alcohol and drug use. Don’t oversleep, but do sleep at least 7 hours. A recent study found that more than a third of Americans sleep less than 7 hours.
  6. Think forward and try to make best use of technology to finish your work, attend meetings, and engage with coworkers with the same frequency that is required during active office hours.
  7. Small breaks due to social distancing are also times to reassess your skill and training- think of an online course, certification, training, personality development or new language to learn.
  8. Engage in spring cleaning, clear that clutter, and donate non-junk household stuff.
  9. Pay attention to you social media habits. While you can certainly become a victim of myths, misinformation, anxiety, and fear mongering, you may also inadvertently become a perpetrator, creating more trouble for communities.
  10. Based on American Time Use Survey and leisure related time-spending patterns worldwide, we spend too much time on screen. Limit your screen time, but watch national news for general consumption and local news to check spread of COVID-19 in your own community, you are likely over-consuming information and taking away time from yourself and friends and family.
  11. Reach out to people and offer help. Consider providing for and helping those at risk or marginalized (e.g. the elderly, disabled, and homeless; survivors of natural disasters; and those living in shelters). You will certainly find someone in the neighborhood who needs some help, this can be done from a distance, on phone, or by online activities and giving.
  12. Check your list of contacts on email and phone.
  13. Engage in alternative activities to keep your mind and body active such as: listening to music and singing, trying dancing or biking, yoga or meditation, taking virtual tours of museums and places of interest, sketching and painting, reading books or novels, solving puzzles or engaging in board games, trying new recipes and learning about other cultures, etc.
  14. Do not isolate yourself totally (physical distancing should not become social isolation). Don’t be afraid, don’t panic, and do keep communicating with others.

Here are some links for blogs I've posted in the past concerning meals and stretching them, and a bonus one for cleaners.

Again, please check on your neighbors...safely.  We need to work together to get through this.  Check on them...maybe call someone just to chat for a minute.  You don't know the change you could make.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

We're going to eat better, dang it!

In the last couple of years, I really thought I was shopping smart.  And I was...if I'd been properly planning on how to use what I was buying.  And I wasn't.  I'm ashamed to admit, I wasted a lot.  And we ate out far too much!

At one point, I even went out and bought one of those FoodSaver machines to stop the waste.  Yes, it is wonderful for preserving food in the freezer and preventing freezer burn, but if you don't use that food, it's still not truly helping.  I mean the food isn't going bad but it still wasn't being used.  The FoodSaver is great for things besides meat.  As with Ziplocs or anything else that goes in the freezer, label and date everything!

I was off work between Christmas and New Year's and really put a lot of thought into how I was going to fix things.  I bounced a lot of ideas off of my husband.  I did a lot of Pinterest-ing.  I came to the conclusion that I really couldn't do anything until I knew what I had.  Do you dread going to dig in the upright deep freezers because you know if you touch something, it's all gonna fall out on your feet?  No?  Just me?  I put on good shoes and went in....

I just started with the big freezer because I knew the little one was where I put the "overflow" and knew it was the newest stuff.  I did not do a full clean out but I did toss some things as I came across those items that had dates I didn't like.  I did have a package of ham hocks land on my foot but the turkey breast missed me!  Ha!  I ended up tossing a couple of kitchen trash bags worth of more wasted food.  I can assure you, that is going to stop!  

I did a quick run down on what meat was in there and then made a list of some meals that I know we like, that in all honesty is what part of that meat was bought for.  I looked over the things I'd pinned on Pinterest and made a list.  

Side note, I love a good list!  Here is the list of meals I came up with:

Yes, I'm old school to a point....paper and pencil lists!  What you see crossed off is what we have used to date.  I figured out what i needed to complete the meals and went to the grocery for pretty much dairy and produce and a few canned goods.  Oh, and I made sure that I had plenty of FoodSaver bags.  

Every Sunday, I make a menu...having the food prep done will definitely help us stick to it.  Here is this weeks:

The Meatloaf isn't really a recipe, it's just something I make.  I used 2 pounds of 80/20 ground beef and 1 pound of ground pork, not sausage just pork.  With that, I add a diced onion, a little garlic, 4 slices potato bread (we use Aunt Millie's 35 calorie potato bread around here so that's what goes in this) torn into little pieces and soaked in about 1/2 cup give or take of milk, 2 eggs, about 6 strips off uncooked bacon cut into little pieces (use scissors, it's easier) and some tomato sauce, about half a can.  Of course there is salt and pepper and some paprika.  I used the other half can of tomato sauce to mix with brown sugar and salt and put on top of the meatloaf.  This made two meatloaves.  I liked the meatloaf pans with cling wrap and put half the meatloaf in each pan and put them in the freezer.  Once they were frozen, I lifted them out of the pan with the Cling wrap and then wrapped the cling wrap around it and then two layers of aluminum foil.  Back to the freezer until ready to use.  When you take the wrap off it just drops back into the pan to cook it.  Bake it for about an hour at 350 or until a thermometer is at 165 degrees.

The French Dip sandwiches are made with some shaved beef I bought at Kroger, it fries up really quickly, like a cheese steak meat.  I toast Ciabatta buns in the broiler.  I put the meat on the bread with provolone on top and back in the broiler to warm the cheese.  Make a packet of au jus and you have a meal in like 15-20 minutes.  We made french fries in the air fryer and I'd made up a batch of Coleslaw on Sunday for two meals this week.  

Gotta be honest, the Chicken Tortilla soup was bought at Sam's for a night that we needed quick...I just tossed it in the freezer so I set it out the night before and it warms up by the time you have grilled cheese made.

The Honey Garlic Chicken was shared by a friend, it's so easy.  The marinade is 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons honey, 1/2 clove minced garlic and 2 tablespoons water for every 1/2 pound of chicken.  Mix the marinade right in the Ziploc (FoodSaver bags aren't for liquid unless you freeze it first and then it won't lay flat) then put in the chicken.  Get as much air as you can out of it and seal it lay it flat in the freezer.  This allows you to stack them and it thaws quicker if it's flat.  Move from freezer to fridge the night before and bake at 425 degrees for about 25 minutes.

The taco meat I made, I added some veggies in it to add some health benefits to it.  I used the frozen mix of carrots, onions and celery...not a lot but every bit helps.  I also add black beans to it.  When I made it, I doubled the batch and divided in FoodSaver bags.  

Finally, the slow cooker cheese chicken spaghetti is an experiment.  It sounds good and I hope we like it, but it's one of those that make you go hmmmm....Here's the recipe:

16 ounces spaghetti-cooked
1 pound Velvetta Light cheese
2 cups cooked chopped chicken
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can petite diced tomatoes
1 4 ounce cans mild green chilies
1 cup mushrooms chopped
1/2 cup water
1 small onion diced

Combine all in a gallon Ziploc bag, seal, flatten (as you can, it's a lot in that bag) and freeze.  When ready to use, thaw for 24 hours then pour in a crock pot for 2-3 hours.  Stir before serving.

Now, I didn't use cream of soups....I made a white sauce (equal parts butter & flour and instead of milk, I used chicken broth) it's healthier.  

There is week one of the menu.  I worked about 5 hours on Sunday to put together 29 meals that should not take long to make on a week night.  

This is longer than I expected but I wanted to at least share where I started.  I'm going to be as brutally honest as I can in reclaiming our home and diet!  This whole journey of balancing working these particular full-time hours, eating decent meals, and trying to keep my house somewhat decent is going to be a process.  Let's hope this makes it not so painful!  Thank you for reading!

Monday, January 6, 2020

I'm back!

Hello again!  It's been a while since I posted, but there's been a lot of 'life' happening to myself and my family.  Some good, some not so much, but all of it made us stronger individually and as a family.  
In the last three years, I think my biggest accomplishment was beating cancer!  I took a simple genetic test for one of my daughters because of a medical condition she has.  That test not only showed a rare cancer gene but I subsequently found out I had two different kinds of breast cancer.  Seven surgeries in twenty-seven months and all the other treatments involved and I am currently cancer-free!  

Let me get up on my soapbox for a moment here...if you think something is wrong, fight to find out what.  I had mammograms every year, none of them picked up one of the types of cancer I had.  Additionally, one of my surgeries was botched and the doctor made it seem as if I was looking at it wrong.  I gathered my courage and asked for a second opinion which was probably one of the hardest things I did because I felt as though I was questioning a medical professional.  And I was.  And that's ok.  I learned that it's ok to advocate for yourself!  It took five surgeries to fix the mistake but if I hadn't advocated for myself, I would have still been living with that mistake.

I also learned that I am surrounded by a wonderful group of friends. They enveloped my family with love and support throughout every bit of the cancer journey!  

Some pretty great things happened along the way too.  I earned my Masters degree and a Graduate level Teaching College Writing Certificate.  My husband was also promoted to the Program Chair for his department at the college where he works.  He was also the Master of his Masonic Lodge and our son was Master Councilor of his DeMolay group.  And I got a new job at IUPUI.  

Ahhh, the new job.  I miss my work with TRIO Student Support Services, but I absolutely love what I am doing now.  The work is very similar, just at a four-year institution.  When I made the change, the new hours were 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.  I haven't worked those hours in more than 20 years!  Given my choice, I always took the earlier hours to be able to take care of errands, handle kid pick up, and have dinner at a decent hour.  I'll be honest, the first month was a hot mess around here.  The house was a disaster, sometimes we didn't eat until 7 or even 8 o'clock.  

Years ago, when I was a single mom, I did pretty intensive meal prep every Sunday for the upcoming week.  I had gotten away from that in the last few years...and it showed.  Since we now spend a lot of time at our place at the lake most weekends between April and October, I have to rethink how I meal prep for the work week so we can stay at the lake until Sunday afternoon.  Afterall, who wants to leave Nature's beauty to come back to reality any earlier than they have too?  LOL

Over Christmas, I did some research and planned out some meal prep.  I worked from what I had in the freezer and supplemented what I needed to create meals.  The amount of food I had stockpiled in my freezers was ridiculous.  Yesterday, I was able to put together 25 dinners.  I mixed them up, some are crock pot meals, some Power Pressure Pot meals, some oven meals.  I'll write more about this in the next post.  

I want need to...get back to writing for me.  I hope you will follow along.  I'll always work to be frugal but I'll also be working on time saving work night ideas and now, ideas for when we're at the lake!  It's my happy place!  

Thank you for indulging my to you soon!