Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Being a hugger when hugging isn't safe!

Hello again!

I hope you're all safe during these difficult times.  As I often remind everyone during times of bad weather, please check on those around you.  A lot of people aren't ok right now.  Be safe and social distance but a phone call to check on your neighbors or a message on Facebook may mean the world to someone. A couple of my friends have shown me this cool new thing called Marco Polo, I am sure it's not new but I'm learning this and love hearing from (and seeing) my friends. 

I've been 'quarantined' at home due to being compromised and it feels like it's been forever.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so very thankful I'm cancer-free (WOOHOO) but I still have many of the issues that put me in the high risk category for I stay home.  

Anyone around me knows that I am a hugger...a serial hugger if you will.  I'm also a pretty social person.  When shut down first happened in early Spring, I wasn't doing well with it.  Not even a little bit.  I won't lie, there were tears.  I was upset that my family was essentially locked down because of me.  They understood and didn't complain at all but it bothered me that once again, my health affected them.  My wonderful son, seeing me upset, asked his dad what he could do for me.  My husband said "just hug your mom".  And he did.  Often.

My brilliant husband, knowing my love of gardening, suggested that I put in a large garden.  More on that in another post.  

I have gone back and forth on writing this post for a couple of months.  In these crazy and dangerous times, we need to know that it's ok to not be ok.  Reach out for help if you need it.  Reach out to friends to check on them.  A friend had a great idea with the Marco Polo app...use it to check in with friends at least weekly.  I'm working on this.  Sometimes, it's tougher than others as I don't want to reach out when I'm down but I know that is when I need to do it the most.  I am trying to find something positive to share even if I'm having a down day.  I have decided to set some time on Sunday afternoon/evening to send some Marco Polos.  I know it takes about a month to create a habit, I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.

My prayer is that you're doing ok under the circumstances and that you're safe.  Reach out and check on your friends and neighbors, it could mean a lot to them.

What are you doing to occupy the extra time and your mind during this time?

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